

The Spring 2019 walks will be organized in the next month or so. Watch this space for the announcement. Members of the Society will receive the mailer when it is ready.

Tours start at 10 am and end by approximately 12 noon. Sometimes they are slightly longer, so some extra time should be allowed in case the walk meets an informative passerby or dwells at an interesting site. Tours are limited to 30 paying participants unless noted otherwise. Pre-paid reservations are required and tickets are not refundable. Tours are conducted in rain, shine or Berkeley fog and are wheelchair accessible unless otherwise noted.

Keep a record of your order. E-mail addresses and telephone numbers are very important for last-minute changes and confirmations. You will be sent an e-mail or we will mail confirmations with starting points.

If you have suggestions for future walking tours, please contact the tour organizers at BHSwalks@berkeleyhistoricalsociety.org or leave a message on the BHS phone answering machine.

For last-minute reservations, call 848-0181 between 1 and 4 pm on the Thursday or Friday before the tour to determine meeting place and sign up if there is an opening.

By signing up for any of these walks, all participants agree to the following: “To the fullest extent allowed by law, I agree to waive, discharge claims, and release from liability the Berkeley Historical Society (BHS) and its officers, directors, agents, and tour leaders from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries and damages, whether caused by my own negligence or the negligence of the BHS or its officers, directors, agents, or tour leaders, in any way connected with a BHS activity. I understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying me on the activity.”

The BHS, a volunteer organization, appreciates your support.

BHS offers walking tours in the spring and fall. For year-round walks featuring local history, you might wish to check these sites: 













Information about past walks is in the Web Archive.

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