
November 11, 2018, is the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day – the end of World War I. At 11:11 AM, Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín will hold a ceremony on the steps of the Veterans Memorial Building for the World War I memorial plaque, newly restored. Immediately following, there will be a presentation in the building’s auditorium hosted by the Berkeley Historical Society. 

The program will include City Councilmember Linda Maio speaking on her experiences with Sanctuary City movements in Berkeley. In addition, representatives from the Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission and Code Pink will speak about one Sanctuary City moment: a 2011 resolution that the Guantanamo prison should be closed and the welcome of one of the refugees to the Berkeley community with an event known as “From Guantanamo to Berkeley.” 

Exhibit curators Phyllis Gale and Harvey Smith will then present introductions to the subject matter of the new exhibit. The exhibit will be opened for viewing for approximately one hour, with light refreshments served in the lobby. 

Following this event, people may wish to attend the United Against Hate Week kickoff across the street in Civic Center Park, scheduled from 1 to 4 PM. 

The Center Street Parking Garage, a block from the Veterans Building, has just reopened. Parking is $3 per hour. You may also find free parking behind Old City Hall or on the streets west of Martin Luther King Jr. Way.

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